Who has God created you to be? Are you living that reality?

Susie welcomes Stasi Eldredge of Ransomed Heart Ministries back to the show to talk more about her book, Becoming Myself: Embracing God’s Dream of You. We look at the things that are holding you back from the abundant life in Christ, and talk about how to let go of your past and live in freedom.

Stasi is very candid about her own struggle with weight and food, starting from a very young age. Why do so many women battle issues with self-esteem and body image? In Christ, we have life, and life to the full. Listen as Susie and Stasi address key points on the journey to the abundant life:

•   The temptation to turn to food for comfort.
•   How to overcome the struggle women feel with not being “good enough”.
•   How Satan uses shame to silence Christian women.
•   Practical steps to renewing your mind with Scripture.
•   How to learn from your past without being defined by it.
•   The importance of giving ourselves more grace and room to be messy.

Stasi says, we when learn to accept Jesus’ love for us, we can start truly loving others.

“[Jesus] doesn’t say condemning things to us or about us. So, check in on what you’re saying and know that, as much as you want to be a kind person to other people, it has to start with yourself… You actually need to repent. Repent of cursing youself. There is power of life and death in the tongue… if we’re called to love our neighbor as we love ourself, then we have to actually love ourselves. Not out of pride, not out of arrogance; it’s honoring who we are as image-bearers of the living God.”

Key Scriptures: 2 Corinthians 3:18; Colossians 1:27; John 8:32-36

Theme Song: Beautiful You by Jonny Diaz

Highlight : Repenting of negative self-talk

What’s holding you back?

Image: Flickr