Recently Susie unpacked the call to the uncommon life. Listen as she wraps up that message and takes your calls as we explore why being a Christ-follower means you are wonderfully unusual. Susie’s book is The Uncommon Woman.

Listen as Susie explores five key battlegrounds of the uncommon life:

The battle to forgive

Many in this world will wrong us. Current events are filled with reports of terrorism, kidnappings, injustice, political oppression, uprisings in other countries, and more. When we choose to forgive those who are wronging us, we take the power away from Satan to build bitterness in our hearts.

The battle to receive

Rather than run at the pace of the world, sometimes God will call us to stop, breathe, open our hands, and receive the next thing He’s promised.

The battle to stand

A key in the Christian life is learning to stand against the enemy and raise the shield of faith (a defensive weapon) while wielding the sword of the Word (an offensive weapon).

The battle to bow

When we humble ourselves, and die to our imagined rights, God will stay close to us and use us. He opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.

The battle to persevere

Paul writes in Galatians not to grow weary in doing good, but to persevere in the strength God provides toward the goal He’s called us to.

So how do we navigate the uncommon life?

1. Regularly remind yourself of who you are in Christ.
2. Pray for your accusers.
3. Forgive your accusers.
4. Thank God for everything in your life – cultivate gratitude.
5. Pray for someone who has it tougher than you do.
6. Get some exercise – take care of yourself physically.
7. Get proper rest. Then, wake up in the morning and start with step 1 again.

Featured Songs: Draw Me Nearer by Meredith Andrews; Sinking Deep by Hillsong Young and Free; Close by Hillsong Young and Free

Highlight : Reacting to others’ expectations

The call to the uncommon life, part 2

This program has been previously aired.