Sometimes we struggle with discontent and bitterness when we’re in a place of waiting. Listen as Susie welcomes author Michelle McKinney Hammond back to the program. She offers encouragement to those facing seasons of waiting and disappointment and talk about how to trust God’s plan and timing. Just as time passes in seasons, so the different years of our lives pass in seasons. There are ways we can cope and even thrive through the various experiences.

Michelle shares her own story of dealing with disappointments. Years ago, her fiance was shot and killed, and Michelle eventually found herself unemployed. Though hardships could have stolen Michelle’s joy, God helped her to grow and lean on Him for her purpose and direction. Michelle and Susie explore other important aspects of working through heartbreak and let-downs:

• Anger is natural, but don’t sin and turn away from God when you feel it

• Expect disappointment, but expect God to show up and teach you in the midst of it

• We can reflect on past hurts and heartbreaks without missing present blessings

Michelle says when we focus on the character of God, we can increase our joy even in the middle of a challenging situation.

“Everything He does is for our protection… when you can’t see His hand, you have to trust His heart. Is God good or not? We all have that question in our hearts. If we believe He’s good we’ll have a different view of Him in the midst of our disappointment.”

Michelle and Susie spend some time unpacking Jesus’ conversation with the woman at the well in John 4. He speaks to a woman who has encountered many disappointments and previous relationships with truth and compassion. He brings her a promise of living water, and she finds that her past disappointments can’t compare to the present and future presence of Jesus in her life. God calls us to the same realization!

Key Scriptures: Job 14:7; John 16:33; Jeremiah 29:11

Theme Song: Everlasting God by Lincoln Brewster

Highlight : The real deal on disappointment

The real deal on disappointment

This program has been previously aired.

Image: Flickr