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Encounter the Truth with Jonathan Griffiths cover
July 25, 2024

00:00:28 / 00:24:58


Smoky Mountains

Waking up to the Goodness of God

1. Waking up to the goodness of God

As you retrain your heart and your mind to believe that God is good, that He is good to you, you will see your life change. You will move from bracing for impact, to anticipating His Goodness.

2. Anchored upward and forward

God wants us to live with expectancy. Bracing for impact is terrible for your mind and body. Living with Holy expectancy will heal you from the inside out.

3. Believe God for great things

If you gathered all the blessings… your knees would buckle under the weight of it. On your worst day & your best day God loves you the same.

4. Develop a habit of hope

We all have Habits. Some habits we are conscious of, others we’re not. Your daily decisions build momentum. Good habits are born out of vision and hope.

5. Fearfully and wonderfully made

When God first thought of you, you didn’t exist. He so loved the idea of you that he created you in your mother’s womb. Never does He stop loving you or abandon you.

6. Jesus is your breakthrough

Too often we fixate on our desired outcomes and miss out of the bigger story God is writing. Your story will have a glorious ending. Your battles will serve a purpose.

7. Make space for hope

God wants your heart to have lots of space for hope. Take a moment and whisper a prayer for hope.

8. Remember God is with you

You know God is moving when your striving ceases and your tendency to judge others is gone.

You also become profoundly aware He is God and you are not.

9. Remember your good memories

Ask God to help you remember one memory that will help you heal. Consider your five senses and take time to remember things in detail. And thank God for every nuanced way those memories mean something to you.

10. Someone stronger

No one stands up to the world’s bullies better than Jesus. He didn’t back down. When you are struggling with fear, intimidation, or critical people, and you choose to call on God, He moves Heaven and Earth to help and rescue you.

11. Strategically accept and reject

Do your thoughts bring you life and peace? What are you accepting and rejecting in your heart and mind? How is this affecting you?

12. Tell yourself a better story

When you’re feeling exhausted, pay attention to the story you’re telling yourself. Is there a way to edit your narrative? Whey you pull God’s promises closer than your problems, you are letting God edit your story. If you’re tired, weary… Run to Jesus, He will give you rest.

13. Your body is a gift

Today, Susie gives us a beautiful and kind reminder of the gift our body is and the importance of remembering it is a gift.

14. Wisdom of God’s ways

We think we are ready for the full answer and all at once breakthrough… God loves you with more passion and care than your body can contain. Trust the wisdom of His ways. Trust His love. The more you trust His love, the you will trust the wisdom of His ways.

15. Seek His blessing

God longs to bless you. His presence changes everything. Keep your expectancy high and count on His goodness.

Thank you for taking this journey with us.

We pray you’ve found some encouragement here. We’ll keep praying and believing with you! Make sure you share your testimonies of your prodigals and your loved ones coming back to God.