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Just as you are

It happened nearly five years ago. I had been divorced for five years, wayward, empty and had made too many bad decisions. No drugs, no alcohol, I was a sinner and made bad decisions. I was not angry, oh no, my Lord had been so good to me. I just wasn’t available to Him. But over time He drew my heart to Him. He used people to mentor me and I became…


It’s all about Jesus

Buddha is not essential to the teaching of Buddhism, nor Muhammed to Islam. But everything about Christianity is determined by the person and work of JESUS Christ.


Following Jesus can remake your world

In this special Best Of edition, Dr. Bill Maier talks with author Jedd Medefind about his book Upended: How Following Jesus Remakes Your Word and Your World. Jedd Medefind also discusses some things he has come to understand through his work with Christian Alliance for Orphans. Following Jesus brings change to your life…

Dr. Bill Maier



The sacrifice of Jesus

Holy Week brings the death and resurrection of Jesus into focus. But many skeptics wonder what difference this makes.


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J.D. Greear

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Rick Warren

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Daily Hope

Rick Warren
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