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Spiritual Growth


Why do you believe?  

Do you know why you believe the gospel? Pastor Chip Ingram offers guidance for navigating through seasons of doubt and remaining firm in faith.



Loving my wife through dementia

Nothing is simple for a person suffering from dementia, nor for those who love them. Doug Groothuis shares his journey through anger when his wife was diagnosed with dementia.



How He loves us

How can we fully grasp God’s love for us? Dr. Timothy Jennings points out that our heart, not our mind, drives our understanding of God, and determines how transformed we can become.



How God transforms us

When we desire a life change, it is tempting to focus on modifying our behavior. However, Pastor Adam Weber says our behavior flows from our level of intimacy with our Creator.



Defined by busyness

Too often we allow busyness to define our stories rather than drawing close to God during the busy times.


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On the Air

Focus on the Family

with Jim Daly

Morning Programs

Open the Bible

Colin Smith

Insight for Living

Chuck Swindoll

Turning Point

David Jeremiah

A New Beginning

Greg Laurie

FamilyLife Today

Dave and Ann Wilson

Living on the Edge

Chip Ingram

Truth For Life

Alistair Begg

Cleaning up the clutter in your life

Truth For Life teaches the Bible with clarity and relevance so that unbelievers will be converted, believers will be established, and local churches strengthened. Led by Alistair Begg and overseen by an independent, volunteer board of trustees, Truth For Life is a Bible-teaching ministry seeking to faithfully proclaim…

Dr. Linda Mintle


Breaking the cycle of co-dependency

Truth For Life teaches the Bible with clarity and relevance so that unbelievers will be converted, believers will be established, and local churches strengthened. Led by Alistair Begg and overseen by an independent, volunteer board of trustees, Truth For Life is a Bible-teaching ministry seeking to faithfully proclaim…

Dr. Linda Mintle


Letting go of regret and moving forward

Truth For Life teaches the Bible with clarity and relevance so that unbelievers will be converted, believers will be established, and local churches strengthened. Led by Alistair Begg and overseen by an independent, volunteer board of trustees, Truth For Life is a Bible-teaching ministry seeking to faithfully proclaim…

Dr. Linda Mintle



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