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Encounter the Truth with Jonathan Griffiths cover
July 25, 2024

00:00:28 / 00:24:58


Hands holding each other in support as a group of people


Let’s come together and pray for each other! This is a safe place for you to share what’s on your heart with others in the community. Share your prayer requests anonymously, and be uplifted as others pray with you!


Newest Prayers Recent without prayers

September 24, 2024

Nephew – work related

Please pray for my precious nephew Colin. His company is making cuts so there is a possibly of being let go this week. Pray the Lord's best for Colin in this matter. If he were to get let go -that something else MORE wonderful will show up and quickly for him.. He's such a good (now young adult)! Lord BLESS ALL REQUEST HERE TODAY In Jesus' Name AMEN!!

September 24, 2024

Sound Mind

Trigger Warning: False Memory OCD, Harm OCD, and Psychosis Please pray for me. I have terrible OCD. It's trying to make me believe I'm having hallucinations. I fear I'll have psychosis and lose self control. I know these are irrational thoughts but in the moment they are so scary. I question my reality and memories. I'm worried I might hurt someone when I don't want to. It's terrible. Please pray for self control in all situations for me. Please pray that my mind will get rest and that I'll have grace for the moment and let go of my rumination and fears. Pray that these meds kick in now, I need relief. Please pray that I have faith. Please pray that Jesus will deliver me from this situation. That I won't hurt anyone. That me and my family will heal. Thank you for praying. <3

September 24, 2024

Job Search

Please pray that my son's job interview yesterday went well and that they reach out to him for another interview.

September 24, 2024


Lord you know my financial situation that I need to obtain a certain amount of money to pay a bill. Please show me the way to obtain this money and with the best possible terms. In Jesus' Name. Blessings, prayer partners.

September 24, 2024


My husband just had an affair. He has up walls and is barely talking so I don’t know if there’s true remorse. We have 2 small kids and I'm trying to make this marriage work because I care about his soul as he has strayed from God so far. But I’m struggling in every way. The pain is immense. Pray for me to heal and pray for my husband to find God, to repent and give his life to God.

September 24, 2024


My situation keeps getting worse. Please pray for God to send a great miracle. There is nothing I can say or do at this point and people seem to have turned on me. Please say a prayer.

September 23, 2024

Immediate Help

Praying people pray all through the night all around the world against all satanic realms and the Beast System, spirit of the antichrist and global satanic agenda comes to a sudden immediate stop permenantly. Please God save me and protect my mind and body from witchcraft and satanic attacks. May people realize the seriousness of this situation and may God send immediate help and the husband he desires me to marry. Right now. Without delay. Please God, deliver me and destroy this evil

September 23, 2024

Lord please hear my prayers

Heavenly Father I thank you for all that you have blessed me with. Father I ask for your forgiveness for all of my sins. Father please forgive me for all of the sins I have committed and please let those I have offended forgive me also. Lord I reach out to you for your strength and guidance and knowledge. Father please help me to learn this job and to retain all of the information and to be efficient. Father I need this job please help me to be successful and knowledgeable. Lord I know that if you are on my side all is possible. Father please hear my prayers. Forever in your Glory Lord. In Jesus name I pray. Lord please hear my prayers.

September 23, 2024

Math class

Dear God, please help daughter pass math class.

September 23, 2024

Travel mercies

Travel mercies for my upcoming graduation and and safety for family who are coming from all over to celebrate my accomplishment. Praise Jesus and God.