Have you ever wondered what God’s will for your life is? Have you struggled to pray and discern any answer? Dr. Jeremiah Johnston hosts evangelist and pastor Rick Renner to discuss knowing and walking in God’s will.

Rick describes how he was ultimately called to be a minister in Russia. It was a journey which began with Rick studying classical Greek as a teenager, and culminated with a specific calling to move his family across the world.

In knowing God’s will, obedience at each point is vital. Rick explains,

“There are no shortcuts. Every step is important. Where you are right now is what’s going to prepare you for the next phase.”

Rick uses the biblical story of Abraham as an illustration of someone who didn’t obey fully at each step, but who eventually surrendered to God’s plan.

“The good news is, even if you’ve made mistakes, you can still get where you’re supposed to be.”

For many people, God’s will is found in the desires and interests they already have; God awakens and utilizes those gifts for His glory. Like sheep lead by their shepherd, the faithful often only receive direction for small distances at a time.

“Sometimes God doesn’t reveal His full will to you. Sometimes it’s just enough to keep you moving.”

While the Bible doesn’t promise a trouble-free path, there is a measure of protection when one is walking courageously in God’s will.

“If people get a word from God and stand by it, they can change the time in which they live. That’s what God has called all of us to do.”

Apart from individual callings, the Bible remains the central source for knowing God’s will. Jeremiah says,

“There is power and authority in the Word of God. We need to speak it, know it and share it. The will of God for my life will always be found in the Word of God.”

Whether you think you have missed something in God’s will or you deeply desire to understand the next step, God’s Word can bring light to the situation.

Rick Renner is known for his ministry in Russia and throughout the former USSR. He leads the Moscow Good News Church and has written inspiring books including the Sparkling Gems From the Greek series and The Will of God, the Key to Your Success.

How to know God’s will for our lives