Have you ever wondered how to show love while proclaiming the truth? Or how to stick to the truth when showing love to someone? Dr. Jeremiah Johnston addresses these subjects with Matt Brown, author of .

Matt says the mark of every Christian should be the fruit of the Holy Spirit, evidenced through love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control (Galations 5:22-23).

“People are going to be drawn to a Christian who is full of these things. We should be able to see growth and change in our knowledge and lifestyle, and evidence of the new creation. Who doesn’t want to be around someone like this?”

While love should be the preeminent quality of believers, truth is just as important. Diluting the message of the Gospel in order to avoid offending someone strips it of influence. Matt explains,

“The truth of God’s Word is where the power is. We’re unplugging the power cord if we move away from God’s Word and the power to save.”

Balancing love and truth is particularly important in modern times, when everyday people have a megaphone through social media and technology.

Matt advises rereading key passages such as I Corinthians 13 in order to be transformed. In being obedient, believers can walk in their callings by choosing faith-filled actions.

“Take steps toward what you feel you’re called to do. Your purpose is probably what God has put in your heart. We don’t get there overnight, but go in that direction. Find ways to say, ‘How can I make a difference?’ Allow God to do what only He can do. But, you’ve got to do what you can do.”

In finding one’s purpose in life, the Bible is the starting point. Jeremiah concludes,

“Say ‘yes’ when God is calling you at every opportunity. So often, people think that Christianity is irrelevant or not necessarily an answer for the questions that we have today, but the Bible shows us that the Christian faith is relevant and there are answers available to us.”

In a society that often speaks either truth or love, Christians are in a unique position to proclaim both God’s truth, and His love.

Matt Brown is an evangelist and author. His book, , released in April 2019.

Matt Brown on truth plus love