Once upon a time in an earth-like kingdom far away lived a princess named Evelyn. She lived in a castle that her Father had built for her, and lovely things surrounded her. However, she was a little girl and found that many things made her afraid.
One morning as she ate her muffins and her kitty, Fluffy, ate her breakfast of cat food, she told her Father, “So many things scare me. Will getting big stop me from being afraid?”
He looked at her lovingly and replied, “You will always have fears no matter how old you are. The important thing is what you do with those fears. Here, let me explain. What scares you?”
“Storms. People I don’t know. Barking dogs. The dark. Clowns. Not knowing where you are.”
“I want you to remember that I’m here for you. So when those things happen you can tell me all about it. I want to help you because you are my child.”
“Okay, Father. I’ll try to remember.”
“I’m going to think of a special way to help you, too.”
“Thanks, I love you,” she said.
“I loved you, first.”

Evelyn’s fingers shook and tears welled up in her eyes. She felt a terrified cry trying to climb out through her vocal chords. She squeezed her eyes shut to ignore the darkness all around her. That’s when she remembered—her Father. She pictured his face in her mind while she whispered shakily, “I’m scared. I’m so scared. Please help me to not be afraid.”
The next morning all she remembered of the night before was her fear and then whispering as if talking to her father before drifting back to sleep. She climbed out of bed and began getting ready for her day. She put on a pretty teal dress and fancy slippers. She brushed her brown hair and then perched the crown on top. “Look! Oh, look!” She squealed to her nanny. “It’s so beautiful.” A new gem twinkled in her crown. She spun and watched the light catch it and the sparkles dance around the room.
Later she took Fluffy for a walk in the garden. She skipped along enjoying the sunshine until she turned a corner and there—
A man walked toward her. He bowed. “Hello, Princess.”
“Father!” Evelyn wailed running back the way she had come.
Father ran to meet her. He knelt down and put his arm around her protectively. Fluffy meowed and rubbed around his legs. “What’s wrong?” he asked.
“A strange man talked to me.”
“I understand.” He wiped her tears. “Come with me and let me introduce you. He’s our new gardener.”

A few days later the moon hung glowing in the sky. Evelyn turned from looking out the window and went back to her dollhouse. She loved evenings to play in the warm castle while her Father drank tea in the living room next door. She heard some pitter patter on the glass. Then lightning flashed and thunder rumbled close behind. She hurried through the doorway and crawled into her Father’s lap.
He gathered her in his arms and held her until the shivering stopped. Then he stood up, still holding her, and walked down the hall.
“Where are we going?” she asked.
“I have something special to show you,” he answered.
“What kind of special? Ice cream? A new doll?”
“Look.” He opened the door. Jewels sparkled on velvet backdrops underneath lamplight.
“Oh! The jewel vault.” She smiled and giggled. “Vault is such a funny word.”
He smiled back. “You’re right. That is a funny word to say.” Then he picked up her crown from its nest and placed it on her head. “See, it’s even more beautiful now.”
She turned her head this way and that in the mirror. “So pretty. I see new jewels in it.”
“I picked those just for you. You can wear it again tomorrow, but for now it’s to bed with you.”
“Tomorrow, my friends are coming.”
“Yes, they are.”

“That crown is so beautiful, Evelyn.”
“I love all the pretty gems in it.”
“Yes, Miss Evelyn looks radiant when she wears it,” Princess Evelyn’s nanny agreed. “Come girls. The tea party is set for you.”
Evelyn smiled. If they only knew how special her crown really was. She found she still felt scared often like her Father said she would. But no fear was too big for her Father to help solve. She just needed to remember him when she was afraid.