Our culture applauds what we can produce, what we can show, and what we can upload to social media. But God notices us even when we are tucked away in hidden places.
Sara Hagerty says that God still enjoys us, even if we’re living what the world might consider an unproductive life.
Sara reflected on a time in her life where she took a respite from the hurried, pressure-to-produce life and was working in a small retail shop, what she considered hidden away. A woman she knew walked in and Sara felt found out. But then she realized that she was hidden from the world, but not unnoticed by God.
“I realized that God still likes me here and I think he’s actually reorienting my mind about what it means to be his daughter. She might have caught me being insignificant but He has His eyes on me even here, and His opinion of me is the same whether I’m sharing the gospel in front of a room full of people, or picking up the bills from my mailbox, or doing the dishes.”
“I can engage with God when I’m taking the laundry up to my kid’s room. He likes me just where I am as long as I am orienting myself to Him.”
How can we live with a peaceful attitude of heart regardless of our circumstances? How can we embrace, instead of resent, the times when we feel out of sight? Sara noticed how other women seemed full of peace even though they were unseen.
“Whether they were at home with a lot of kids for a long stretch of time and doing things that nobody celebrated, or taking care of a sick parent, instead of resenting it they decided to embrace what God had for them in that season. Or maybe they were loving a husband who wasn’t loving them well and they still looked to God in that place. And I see those women whose life doesn’t seem to get shaken even if they don’t have a crowd of people applauding them. That’s the kind of heart I want to have for my life and for the Lord.”
Being hidden or out of sight doesn’t have to feel like a punishment, but rather as an invitation by God to know him more.
Sara Hagerty is wife to her best friend Nate, and a mother of six, including four children adopted from Africa and two through natural childbirth. Sara writes regularly about life’s delays, finding God in the unlikely, motherhood, marriage, and adoption in her two books, and .