Have you ever wanted to be a writer but didn’t know where to start?

Author Susan Meissner say’s one of the best ways to navigate the waters of writing is by attending a writer’s conference. What makes a conference the best step?

“The best part about a writer’s conference is it places the writer in their world. Writing is very isolating. When I write I’m alone in my house, I don’t have co-workers, there’s no water cooler.”

A writer’s conference breaks you out of that isolating bubble and surrounds you those in similar situations with similar aspirations.

“There’s a lot of synergy and symmetry in being with like-minded folks like that. You learn from each other, you grow with one another, you are able to avail yourself of great teaching, unparalleled teaching.”

Susan says there are also some unique opportunities that you can’t find anywhere else.

“Being able to meet with editors and agents is something you just can’t do in any other forum.  This is the way to be able to pitch your idea, your book proposal, your chapters, whatever you’re working on so agents and editors who are looking for new writers can notice your work. I can’t say enough good things about a writer’s conference.”

What can you expect from a writer’s conference and how can you prepare? The best thing to do is to head into the conference with a teachable mindset.

“I think the best thing to do is go with the idea that I’m going to learn and not to get published. If you feel like your work is ready, that might be your desire to get a contract, but that’s way out of your control. It may be the time for that or it may not be.”

There is one thing we can control.

“You can learn, that is something you can control. No one can stop you from learning from the conference. Go into it with the idea that you’re there to learn as much as you can.”

“If now is not the right time, it could be coming. You might get some really good advice for making your next conference the right time for your work to get discovered.”

Susan Meissner is a former managing editor of a weekly newspaper and an award-winning columnist. She is the award-winning author of  , and   among other novels.

Susan Meissner is part of the faculty of the Northwestern Christian Writers Conference. 

Key Scripture: Isaiah 41:10

Featured Songs: No Longer Slaves – Bethel Music; We Will Not Be Shaken – Bethel Music; Strong God – Meredith Andrews

So you want to be a writer