How can we help our kids understand what it means to be disciples of Jesus Christ?

Apologist Alex McFarland says that before we can teach our kids how to follow Christ, we have to follow Him ourselves. We model discipleship to our kids through our own actions.

One of the best ways to model discipleship to your kids is through consistent involvement in church, even when it’s not convenient.

“The time you most urgently need to go to church is the day you least have an interest in doing it. Sometimes God speaks to our hearts the most when we feel the least spiritual but we still go to church anyway.”

He also says that part of being a disciple of Jesus Christ is being a thither.

“You cannot out give God. Early on, if our child does chores and earns a dollar, help them understand that we give back to God and we recognize that God is our source.”

Alex reminds us that tithing isn’t so much mathematical and financial as it is spiritual.

“Tell your kids, we’re in church together and you’re going to pray, you’re going to give, and what you’re doing with your life is going to help somebody somewhere find Jesus. Somebody is going to be in heaven because you played the role that you were called to play. Help kids understand that they are a key link in the chain.”

Alex says it’s also important to help our kids understand what really matters in life.

“I’ve been at the bed side of many dying people. I’ve never, ever heard anybody on their death bed say, if only we had gone to more soccer games, if only I had a nicer car, or if only I had shaved a few more strokes off my golf game. I’m telling you, in the final moments of your life, all you’re going to care about is God and family. What did I do for my Lord? What did I do for my family? So make a decision right now that these will be your priorities. Lose at anything else; win with your kids.”

Alex McFarland is a speaker, writer and advocate for Christian apologetics. He serves as director of the Center for Christian Worldview and Apologetics at North Greenville University, a leading Christian college in the United States.

Key Scripture: John 6:40

Featured Songs: Dry Bones – Lauren Daigle; Only Grace – Matthew West; Prodigal – Sidewalk Prophets

Helping your kids become disciples