Rear Admiral Barry Black (Ret.), Chaplain of the United States Senate, says we can expect the unexpected because God loves a good time.

“I think very often we are under the impression that God is trying to pour water on our parade.”

Chaplain Black says Jesus demonstrates this fact through his first recorded miracle performed at a week-long wedding feast in Canaan.

“It’s very interesting that his first miracle happened at a wedding feast. One might say that it was a superficial miracle, He didn’t restore a lame person, open the eyes of the blind, or raise the dead, He simply provided refreshments so that the people who were hosting the party wouldn’t be embarrassed. That’s the kind of joyous Savior we have and He wants to bring the same kind of joy and excitement to our lives.”

God desires for us to live joyous and abundant lives in Him because He is the source of all joy.

“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” John 10:10

“That is the kind of joy that He wants us to have, that is the kind of fulfillment He wants us to have. I will tell you from my experience with Him that you love Him more and more as the seasons of life go by because you realize how precious He is and you realize that He is rooting for you like no one else can.”

If God didn’t withhold His only Son from us, what would He withhold from us?

“Do you actually think that there is something, meaningful and joyous that He doesn’t want us to experience? That is why we can be excited by this God who loves to surprise us. He wants us to have the companionship, the fellowship, the wisdom, and the fruit of His Holy Spirit. He is a gift-giving, heavenly daddy.”

Rear Admiral Barry C. Black (Ret.) was elected as the 62nd chaplain of the United States Senate in 2003. Prior to coming to Capitol Hill, Chaplain Black served in the U.S. Navy for more than 27 years, ending his distinguished career as the chief of Navy chaplains. Chaplain Black is the author of ,  The Blessing of Adversity, and his latest book, Nothing to Fear.

Key Scripture: Matthew 10:1

Featured Songs: Same Power – Jeremy Camp; No Longer Slaves – Bethel Music; Love Broke Through – Toby Mac

Nothing to fear with Barry Black