What do you turn to for comfort? When times are hard we all turn to things in the world for comfort. Sometimes, it’s a relationship, food, drugs, or alcohol. Robia Scott, author of Counterfeit Comforts says that more often than not, these comforts are counterfeit.

Robia says that many people turn to counterfeit comforts because they don’t hear God in their lives.

“The number one thing I hear from people is I want to hear God’s voice. I don’t feel like I hear God. There’s such a desire there to hear and experience Him, but what I’ve also found at the same time is even while some of us are seeking God on some level, we’re kind of keeping him at arm’s length at the same time because were scared that when we get in there in God’s presence, what is He going to say?”

According to Robia, we are often afraid that God will shame us or tell us how bad we are.

“It’s so crucial that we understand that God loves us. He never ever going to shame us. He’s going to expose things that are hurting us, and keeping us from being free, but it’s always in the love it’s never to put us down or to be critical, that’s just not his nature. God’s presence is the safest, most loving place, that is the place of freedom.”

In order to overcome our attraction to our counterfeit comforts, Robia says we must seek to acknowledge our addictions and deal with them instead of trying to cover them up.

“God showed me that you have to be willing to get in there and go into some of the not-so-pretty areas. He’s not judging us for those areas. He understands that we are wounded, we’ve all been through things. We’ve all been hurt, betrayed, abandoned, disappointed   know we’ve all been through things we’ve all been hurt been betrayed abandoned, disappointed. If we don’t deal with those wounds, they find a way to the surface and they will come out.”

Robia Scott is a popular speaker gifted in teaching practical and applicable biblical tools that change lives. Her heart and passion is to see all believers loosed from anything and everything that hinders them from knowing the fullness of who God is and the greatness of who they are in Him.

Key Scripture: Galatians 6:9

Featured Songs: Restless – Audrey Assad; It Is Well – Bethel Music; Give Me Jesus – Danny Gokey

Counterfeit Comforts