“The truth is what we are not our bodies. Our bodies are just our earth suits.”

The temptation to focus on outward appearance is present even in the church. However as members of the church, we can’t share the same values as the surrounding culture. Chris Shook explores the truth about beauty in her book,  .

Keeping God’s perspective on beauty starts with gratitude and spiritual awareness. Chris explains,

“I’m thankful for hands to hold children and wash dishes and do things with. God gives us these bodies. But the truth is that we are not our bodies. It’s so easy to get caught up in believing what the world tells us – that all we see is all there is. When the truth is that the unseen is far more powerful than what is seen.”

Chris’ daughter Megan Shook Alpha Megan works with students at her church. She sees many of students focusing on temporary things and it grieves her. More importantly, it grieves God.

“We need to realize that there is a difference between pretty and beautiful. ‘Pretty’ are things that are always changing. The style, what’s cool to wear, and how we dress… These things are always changing.”

We’re wasting our time trying to be pretty when we should be seeking beauty. We don’t know how long we have before Jesus calls us home, and His will for us is one of eternal worth. We should be spending our time on inner beauty – peace, joy, strength of character, forgiveness. Those are things we can cultivate that won’t fade in ten years unless we step away from Christ.

Beauty means living with gratitude, serving others, and practicing the art of self-forgetfulness. When we spend our energy on those traits, we’re making an eternal impact.

Chris Shook and her husband founded Woodlands Church, outside of Houston, Texas. Her daughter, Megan Shook Alpha, is a graduate of Baylor University and works as a pastor to students at Woodlands Church.

Key Scriptures: 1 Peter 3:4

Featured Songs: Diamonds by Hawk Nelson; He Knows My Name by Francesca Battstelli; Amazed by You by Lincoln Brewster

Where beauty begins