Do you feel constantly tormented by fear and anxiety? Sometimes you know it’s unreasonable, but it’s still there. Lisa Whittle shares three practical things we can do to overcome our fears.

1. You aren’t a victim.

It’s important for us to realize that we aren’t a victim of our fear.

 “Sometimes when we’re afraid we feel like we’re never going to get passed it, that it owns us, that no matter what we try, we’re stuck.”

“I know it doesn’t feel like it, but as in all things, we have to choose to trust God. We have to set our minds to make that choice and we can’t wait for the feeling to set in to help us make that choice.”

Trusting God is not a one and done choice, it’s a continuous decision.

2. Resist mental wandering

“It’s really easy to let our minds wander a lot. Sometimes my mind will mentally go down roads that lead me to more and more anxiety. That’s why the Word tells us to take every thought captive. That is very important for us to not go down those fear roads.”

3. Meditating on God’s Word

The most helpful thing for her when fighting fear is mediating on the Word of God.

“It helps me to meditate on verses that remind me that God is in charge, because that’s one thing that really speaks to the fear inside of me. We can’t control the world, but it helps to remind us that we have the power of God on our side.”

It’s a lot harder to fall into the clutches of fear when we remember that God has already overcome the world through His Son Jesus.

“It’s very hard to stay fearful when we remember that He has already overcome the world.”

Lisa Whittle is a leader, author and speaker with a heart and passion to communicate one thing: Jesus is everything. Her love runs deep to see people pursue Jesus for life, grow deep roots of faith, and walk strong in the midst of a world that so often seems to have gone crazy.

Key Scripture: 2 Peter 1:3

Featured Songs: Not Today – Hillsong; The Lion and the Lamb – Leeland; The Same Power – Jeremy Camp

3 steps to overcome fear