Do you want to lose weight or establish a healthier lifestyle?

There is no quick fix to losing weight, instead it is a long term commitment to living a healthier lifestyle. Dr. David Stevens, President of the Christian Medical & Dental Associations, shares some simple lifestyle adjusts necessary to live a healthier life:

“It’s really a lifestyle change, getting back to the earth: more fruit, more nuts, more simple foods, not processed foods.”

Living a healthier lifestyle starts with simple steps like eating smaller portions or staying away from foods that have added sugar. Eating right requires intentional effort and time, but it’s worth it.

Exercise is also an important aspect to living a healthier lifestyle. Dr. Stevens says that many people fall into the trap of believing that they must exercise a lot each day for any positive impact on their health, but that isn’t really the case.

“Take a walk every day, you don’t have to go jogging, you don’t have to do miles, take a 30-minute walk and do that 5-6 times a week and guess what, over time you’ll shed pounds.”

Exercise doesn’t have to involve a complex program or routine, consistent exercise, even in small doses in the key to success.

“I don’t take my lunch break and I leave work 30 minutes early every evening and I take a walk which suppresses your appetite before you eat as well.”

Highlight: Living healthy doesn’t have to be complicated

The simplicity of healthy living