Is shame robbing you of your freedom?

For too many years Christine Caine allowed the lies of Satan to bind her and limit the freedom she could bring to others. In her book Unashamed, she shares how God empowers us by His Word to live a life of freedom. Today, she works around the world through the ministry of A21 to set captives free.

“Every time we put a trafficker in jail, every time a child or woman is rescued out of sex trafficking or forced labor trafficking, I just think ‘Boy, I bet the devil wishes that he left me alone.’”

Because Christine was willing to believe the promises of God and step out in faith, she started a movement to bring freedom to others in Jesus’ Name. Her story is proof that Jesus can redeem even the most painful broken places of our past. Christine rejoices in what God can do through our stories when we surrender them fully to Him.

“The greatest satisfaction this side of eternity is that God is using my past to help give other people a future.”

The process won’t be a clean one, but the healing is worth the challenge. Christine compares the process of healing from shame to healing from a knee injury. After a skiing accident, she tore her ACL and meniscus, fracturing her knee. When she woke up from the surgery, the physical therapist had some challenging words for her.

“You’ve done the biggest injury that anyone could do to their knee. Most people, because of the type of injury that you have, do not fully recover. Not because they can’t, but because they won’t.”

His next words to Christine can apply to each of us today, as we seek to move out of shame and into a powerful life in Christ.

“The degree to which you are willing to embrace the pain of recovery is the degree to which you will recover. You can recover partially or totally, you can recover quickly or slowly. It all depends on your willingness to embrace the pain. There will be pain, but on the other side of the pain is complete healing.”

Key Scriptures: Genesis 2:25

Featured Songs: Unashamed by Chris August; Impossible by Meredith Andrews; No Longer Slaves by Bethel Music; Faithful to the End by Bethel Music

Highlight : The process of healing from shame

Life unashamed