“Heart disease is so interrelated to how we live our day to day life.”

Heart disease is one of the leading causes of death in America. Our society eats for pleasure, self-medicates for emotional reasons, and neglects daily exercise.

According to physical therapist Dr. Lisa Morrone, the statistics won’t change until we make a change. In order to stem the tide of obesity and heart disease, Christians have to understand the truth about their bodies.

“They’re not just a physical shell that we wear until we get to heaven; it’s actually a vehicle that God has given us so that we can do His work here on Earth.”

God wants us to take care of our bodies and treat them as temples of the Holy Spirit.

“As Christians, we should be jealous for every day that we can possibly get, and so we want a mindset from the beginning that we’re to honor God with our body, and we want the greatest level of wellness that we can give ourselves, so we can be well-tuned for his service.”

Even people who seem to be healthy can be at risk for heart disease and that’s why Lisa always checks her patients’ blood work to determine if they could be at risk.

“There may be people who don’t look overweight whose blood chemistry numbers are pointing towards danger.”

Often times when people can see on paper that their life style is negatively impacting their health, even if they can’t feel it, it will encourage change.

“That’s often what drives people to change their mind are facts, sometimes people need to be faced with hard facts before they’re going to be motivated to do something about them.”

Highlight: is your heart healthy?

Lisa Morrone on heart health