Most Christians readily admit they struggle with doubt. However, doubt is often attributed to spiritual immaturity. Christians facing doubts are told that if they prayed more, or read the Bible more, they would stop doubting.

Barnabas Piper shares how doubt was a making of true spiritual maturity in his life. Despite attending a Christian college and being the son of renowned pastor John Piper, Barnabas has experienced significant seasons of doubt.

Earlier in his life, Barnabas knew more about theology than most people. However, he hadn’t surrendered his life to Christ. He was also struggling with secret sins that were growing inside him.

Eventually, the patterns of dishonesty that characterized his working life got the best of him. His world was rocked to the core when he lost the job that he loved.

“That was what put me in a position to say, ‘where did this come from? How did somebody who is invested in the church, knew theology, and looked the part do something like this?’”

Barnabas thought he was doing everything a Christ-follower was supposed to do. However, his fall from grace caused him to question if his faith was genuine.

“Do they even mean anything? What do I actually believe? What’s worth holding on to?”

Sometimes God uses doubt to upset our status quo and help us realize we’ve gone off track. Instead of letting Barnabas continue to believe he was leading a Christ-centered life, God opened his eyes to a life not fully surrendered to Christ.

“I am a sinner and I really need grace. It actually means something; it’s not just a systematic argument for the sake of a late-night dorm room conversation.”

There is a plethora of questions regarding theology and we won’t know the answers to all of them until we get to heaven.

“And that’s okay, because in the big things, the things of salvation, things of who Christ is, who God is, and those key biblical elements, I came to see that I fully believe those things.”

No Christ-follower understands the Christian faith completely; wrestling with faith is a sure sign of sanctification and increasing spiritual maturity. When we experience doubt, we should bring it to the Lord, read His Word, and patiently wait for Him to answer us in His timing.

Barnabas unpacks this in his book,  .

Key Scriptures: Mark 9:24

Featured Songs: Oh Me of Little Faith by Matthew West; Come As You Are by David Crowder; Unashamed by Chris August

Highlight : The point of Barnabas’ doubt

Help my unbelief