Highlight : The power of your words

Several years ago, Adonis Lenzy felt stuck.

“I found myself working overnight— I think I was doing the third graveyard shift— stocking groceries overnight. All the while there was still purpose in my heart, vision in my heart. And I really believed that God had a plan for my life.”

But with all that passion and vision, Adonis was working overnight shifts, low on food, money, and options. When we’re feeling trapped by financial pressures, relational stress or a health issue that won’t go away, we can feel entirely hopeless.

Adonis came to a tipping point one night. He tells the story and the principles he learned.

“I scraped up enough money to go to a Chinese buffet. And I went in there by myself, I had a jacket on. I remember sitting there, going to the buffet line, coming back and just stuffing food in my pockets in fear of not having enough money for the next day and the day after. I got back to my apartment and emptied out all the food from my pockets on the kitchen counter… And I just broke down in tears and I just began to cry.”

Are you in a similar position? Adonis offers this advice – choose your words carefully. You’re the first recipient of whatever comes out of your mouth. If you speak frustration and hopelessness to yourself, your circumstances aren’t likely to change.

Instead, look at yourself in the mirror and say

“I am staying stuck no longer.”

Adonis started doing that. Things changed for him when he decided he was not a victim of his circumstances, and he looks back on that decision with gratitude.

“I’m so thankful I went through that. And sometimes in the moment you’re not thankful for it but it’s a great lesson…Sooner or later you’re going to have to make a decision to change your situation.”

This is not name-it-and-claim-it theology, but a way of declaring that your circumstances don’t define your worth. When we recognize the power of the Holy Spirit in our life, we can lean on Him for direction, wisdom, and strength. Adonis did that and he encourages us to do the same.

Adonis Lenzy is an author, speaker, and pastor who enjoys speaking to people from all walks and stages of life, inspiring them to live the life they have imagined by going after their dreams.

Key Scriptures: Jeremiah 29:11

Featured Songs: Move by Toby Mac; The River by Jordan Feliz; Live Forever by Matthew West 

How to get unstuck