Life is an adventure, but whose are you on? Travel and adventure are amazing pastimes. Through travel, we can experience God’s creation and learn about different cultures all over the world.

However, this desire for adventure can quickly slip into idolatry when misplaced.  The ‘Millennial Evangelical’ Chris Martin joins host Bill Arnold to discuss the difference between living God’s adventure or our own.

“I think the ‘wanderlust’ idol is just an extension of making an idol of ourselves because it’s about making our life interesting.”

All traveling and adventure is not sinful. However, we can easily let it take God’s rightful place.

“This idea that you’re kind of lusting after adventure and you don’t feel fulfilled unless you’ve gone and done something interesting. I think that’s the definition of idolatry, because you’re finding your purpose and your reason for existing in making your life interesting.”

The moment the thrill of adventure takes center stage in our lives and becomes more important than what God’s plan is for our lives, it has become our idol.

“Following Christ and becoming more like Jesus is a great adventure, it’s the greatest adventure of them all.”

As Christians we are aware of our idolatry, and we attempt to justify having an interesting personal story claiming it will somehow benefit God and His story.

“Too often I think young people try to justify their ‘wanderlust’ as some sort of spiritual adventure, they try to baptize their desire when they really just want to have an adventure.”

The only way to truly thrive in life is to put away our fixation with our own personal story in favor of God’s narrative for us.

As Christians we can live the great adventure God has laid out for us in our everyday lives.

“It’s really important to find the exceptional in the routine. You take these seemingly mundane experiences and you redeem them and you say, ‘How can I live the great adventure that is following Jesus and sharing Him in this routine.’”

Highlight: “Wanderlust” The undercover idol?

Living God’s adventure for your life