There aren’t too many things we can be absolutely certain of in our lives. Yet here’s one truth we can know for sure – there will come a time when we’ll have to make a tough decision. We’ll have to say yes or no. Take one path or the other.

When we make that call some people may pat us on the back and praise us, but others will very likely be vocal in saying we made the wrong choice. That’s hard. But thankfully, most of us don’t come to that moment in front of a national television audience numbering in the millions – and in front of a crowd of 68,000 screaming fans. Here’s the story of a man whose decision time came in just that epic scenario.

Lance Easley, an NFL replacement official, never expected he’d be on the field the night of September 24th, 2012 as the Green Bay Packers visited the Seattle Seahawks – much less that he’d be in a position to make the call that would decide the contest. We go On the Road as Lance tells the unlikely tale of his path to that decision, its consequences, and how his faith guided him through the massive backlash.

How can we be ready to make a decision when we know we’ll likely let people down? How do we navigate the space between success and failure – avoiding getting too full of ourselves at one extreme and completely losing confidence in our abilities on the other? And why are our relationships with others so key when it comes to a moment of decision?

It’s a story that starts on a football field, but in the end is so much more about how we live our life & who we really are in Christ.

Highlight: In success and failure

Having the faith to make ‘The Call’