God gives and takes away, but blessed be His Name. Listen as Susie is joined by author and mother Tricia Lott Williford. Tricia talks about how God brought comfort after the unexpected death of her husband.
In Tricia’s book, And Life Comes Back, she shares her journey of meeting Robb, falling in love, having two children and losing him after a sudden illness, a septic infection that was misdiagnosed as the flu.
“Recently what I miss most about him is the feel of his scruffy cheek – the tangible presence of him, holding his hand. I miss the masculinity of him…I watched him take his last breath. The whole thing happened very very quickly. We said ‘until death parts us,’ and I was there when it happened. Robb was 35 and very suddenly gone. And I was 31, with two small children. And everything changed in the course of 12 hours. All of a sudden I was a widowed single mom, two days before Christmas, and everything I thought I needed was gone.”
How did God start to heal Tricia in the midst of her grief?
“I didn’t have room for [anger]. I couldn’t go there. What had happened had happened, and I needed to face what was in front of me right now. When crisis hits your life, it comes down to what’s in this moment and what to do next. That was one of the things I discovered – it’s about being in this moment, and I’m here, and God loves us… My heart is broken in ways that it cannot be restored this side of heaven.”
Tricia and Susie also explore
• How grief changes someone.
• The grace God gives us to be present moment by moment.
• Establishing a support system in the aftermath of a loss.
Key Scriptures: Psalm 18:35; Psalm 34:18; John 14:19
Theme Song: Mighty Wave by Sarah Reeves