Rifqa Bary is a young woman who fled her Islamic upbringing and became a Christian. Rifqa shares her journey from Muslim teenager to Christ-follower.

One of the turning points during her conversion was an encounter she had with one particular Christian girl who was different than other Christians.

“Here’s this girl who is a professing Christian, who is willing to reach above the social boundaries and just love me wherever I was at.”

Rifqa says that this Christian girl exuded peace and patience that captivated her. Rifqa was an undercover Christian for quite some time as she learned and read her Bible.

“As a teenager I’m memorizing pages from the Koran and reciting it in front of the Mosque leaders. On the other hand, I’m speaking at the church while my parents are out of town.”

The brazen double life she was leading left her feeling guilty at times.

“There’s this tension between both worlds, having to lie to my family, yet I knew I was a committed Christian. It was really difficult, I felt guilty for lying.”

Through it all, God rewarded Rifqa for her dedication to Him and her faith grew immensely.

“God’s presence was so thick, and it was as if He was walking right beside me, even though I couldn’t pray out loud; God was the air I breathed.”

Rifqa wrestled between moments of peace and trust in the Lord and moments of fear.

“I was terrified of my father, he was already a rageful man and I had now committed the worst crime possible, apostasy.”

Even though she was fearful, God would constantly comfort her and show Himself to Rifqa when she needed it most.

For more information, read Rifqa’s book  .

Key Scriptures: Philippians 3:8

Featured Songs: Not for a Moment by Meredith Andrews; I Need You Now by Matt Redman; We Must Not by Selah

Highlight : How a Christian’s friendship won Rifqa to Christ

Hiding in the light