Abortion: what have men got to do with it?

If you read about and research the problem of abortion long enough you may come to the conclusion: not much. Finding unbiased research on the impact of abortion on women is difficult enough, but research into abortion in the lives of men is nearly nonexistent.

Catherine Coyle is working to change that. Through her clinical work, research, writing, and conferences she is asking the tough questions no one else has troubled to ask: what about men? How many men are impacted by abortion? How do their needs differ from the problems women face? And, how do men resolve their disenfranchisement–where is the reproductive justice for men who have no legal standing in the lives of their unborn children?

Highlight: Helping men take heart after abortion

Listen in to our podcast this week as Dr. Coyle compassionately brings men to the table–yes, to hold them accountable–but also to honor and respect their need for healing, too.

Helping men take heart after abortion

From Catherine’s bio:

Catherine Coyle, RN, MSN, PhD earned a Ph.D. in Educational Psychology (area of Human Development) at the University of Wisconsin. She is a registered nurse and holds a master’s degree in clinical psychiatric nursing. She has taught at both Edgewood College and the University of Wisconsin in Madison. Dr. Coyle has developed a healing program for men who have been hurt by abortion and has scientifically documented its effectiveness. She is the author of the book, Men and Abortion: A Path to Healing, and the ebook Men and Abortion: Finding Healing, Restoring Hope. Dr. Coyle is an associate of the International Forgiveness Institute and continues to pursue research in the areas of both forgiveness and post abortion trauma. She has published several papers and given numerous presentations concerning the effects of abortion on men, the psychological process of forgiveness, and forgiveness therapy.

For the second live-portion of our show we opened up the phones to you, our callers. We talked with you about your stories and also talked about some stories in the news, including one of a high school that is getting whip-lash for putting up anti-abortion posters for prom. You can read the story here.