What does it mean to find a “new normal”? On the Friday edition of Live the Promise, Tricia Lott Williford shares what she’s learned about rebuilding her family after the sudden death of her husband.
“The stages of grief are not linear; one does not follow another. Emotions are not clean-cut.”
Tricia shares how her pastor told her it’s okay to laugh and “take a day off” from the sadness.
“One of the things I’m very intentional about is to have lots of conversations with my guys. We talk about this whenever they want and as much as they want.”
Susie and Tricia explore some basic steps for walking through a transitional experience. She unpacks them in her new book, .
• Stay calm.
• Step up when needed.
• Don’t put anyone at risk.
• Live to tell about it.
• Do the next thing in front of you, and then reward yourself for doing that.
• Recognize that things are harder than they used to be but God will give you the strength when it’s needed.
• Stay in community.
• Learn to say no.
Tricia shares final thoughts.
“Grief and joy are sisters – and they walk together.”
“The only thing I know is that God is sovereign and God is for us.”
“There is no question I have that He can’t handle. He has brought people into my life who can walk beside me and my boys. He’s brought men who can teach my son how to throw a football. He has gone before me and hemmed me in behind and before. He’s paved the way.”
For more background on Tricia’s story, listen to her previous conversation with Susie.
Key Scriptures: Psalm 9:12
Theme Song: Lead Me to a Rock by Mark Alan/Emmanuel Live
Highlight : Battling jealousy in the “new normal”
This program has been previously aired.