Each month we invite Bible professors from the University of Northwestern into the broadcast studio and open the phone lines to answer questions on the Bible, faith and the church.  This month on Ask the Professor, we welcome back Professor Brad Sickler to field your questions. We invite you to open your bibles and we’ll open the phones and discuss your faith questions.

We tackled important questions on today’s edition of Ask the Professor such as;

How much background in the culture do you need to know to have a deep understanding of the bible and the proper context?

The Bible is clear enough to give salvation and the correct theology. However, for a deeper and clearer understanding, it’s important to understand the culture and cultural aspects of the Bible. God is honored and glad to have us read His word and grow in our relationship with Him through reading the Bible. It is also important to read all of the scriptures and see how everything is connected.

What about life after death?  How does the term ‘sleeping’ and death relate to one another?

“Sleep is just a euphemism to death” -Professor Sickler

We have an earthly body and then we die, we leave this body, we go to be in the presence of the Lord, and we will receive a resurrection body. Professor Sickler further explains this as receiving a glorified body, like Paul talks about in the Bible. Everyone will face God and judgment, and Christians have a very different view of what after-death looks like than non-believers.

Will the Antichrist appear in the form of man until Satan enters his body?

Professor Sickler believes that the Antichrist will be a man and that he will be working with the darkness and Satan. The Antichrist spirit is already in the world a little bit, but he also reminded us that these are good questions to ask and study, but we don’t always have solid answers.

If you say God’s word can’t be changed, then how do you present that the Koran isn’t God’s word?

Listen online for the answer to this question and more! If you have a question about the Bible, faith or the church, please submit your question on our show page and stay tuned each month as we Ask the Professor!

Key scriptures: Psalm 51, Matthew 9:12, Isaiah 35:5-7, Philippians 1:23, 1 Corinthians 15:35, 1 Thessalonians 4: 13-18

Ask the Professor