As a pastor, Carter Conlon is passionate about helping people turn to God. He truly believes that there is something coming, and God is warning His people. God wants to prepare us. And it’s time we took notice.

“There is a certain pattern that never fails throughout history. In the Old and New Testaments we see time and time again that the Lord is absolutely faithful to warn and prepare His people before any impending judgment or calamity.”

What calamity is coming?

“I have this imminent sense on my heart that we’re about to face crisis, and it could be a single crisis or a compilation of things that happen at the same time. We’re living in a society now where evil is becoming good and good is becoming evil and the Church of Christ is being vilified. We’re standing on the precipice of an economic meltdown in this nation. We’re living way beyond our means. Our culture is collapsing. Our families go up and down. All of the signs are there that we’re entering a very difficult period in history.”

What will be the cause of the calamity?

“It’s mercy that’s going to cause some of these things. Not judgment, mercy. Judgment will come, but it’s mercy. Think about Elijah’s day, for example. Without the drought there would have been no Mount Carmel. Without Mount Carmel there would not have been the opportunity to see where the real power of God lies, and the moment for the people to turn from what they were worshipping to God would not have occurred.

Think about Acts 27 when the Apostle Paul was on a ship with 276 people that had ignored the warnings of God. We as a nation have ignored the warnings of God – the clear warnings that the direction we’re taking is going to be disastrous. Paul himself was relegated to austerity throughout that journey until the mercy of God caused that ship to go into a storm. Those men and women on that boat were given an opportunity, not just to physically survive, but they were given an opportunity to hear, through Paul, the Gospel of Jesus Christ. They saw the power of God emanating through his life. And that is God’s mercy.”

What can we do? How do we prepare?

We have to pray now.

When you see things beginning to happen, I don’t want you to forget this: God will do whatever it takes to get a hold of this nation. It’s really not about saving the American way of life, it’s about His people.

“It’s about eternity. It’s about a heaven, a hell, and a Savior. That is the work of God. That is the focus of God and whatever it takes for Jesus Christ to get His church praying again, walking in true obedience to the Word of God, whatever it takes men and women on the outside – to consider their ways and turn to a Savior – God, in His mercy, will let that happen.”

Key Scriptures: Romans 8:28; Hebrews 4:16; 2 Chronicles 7:14; 1 Corinthians

Theme Song: Here I Am by Jeremy Camp

Highlight : God’s pattern of warning His people

Fighting a culture of excess

This program has been previously aired.