Sometimes we become addicted to the fast pace of life and miss God in the process. On this edition of Live the Promise Susie welcomes Pastor Brady Boyd back to the program to unpack the danger of the ‘rat race’ culture. Brady’s new book is .

Brady starts with a powerful statement,

“I think workaholics are killing more families than alcoholics.”

He shares his own experience with working overtime in his early years of ministry and how that impacted his marriage. “I was saying yes to good things.” In the midst of that season, Brady’s wife felt alone and neglected. Finally she packed her bags and told Brady she would leave if things didn’t change.

“That was the catalyst… Our lives took a radical change. We’ve worked so hard to find healthy rhythms for our lives. Pam and I are very busy people today… but in the midst of all that, we’ve found a beautiful rhythm of living that allows us to be more productive than ever before.”

Brady shares:

• Warning signs that you’re running too quickly.

• How to enjoy the Sabbath as a gift.

“Sabbaths are God’s gift for rest. By choosing the Sabbath, we’re rebelling against, and protesting, our innate desire for our own sufficiency. Look for the gifts of time that God wants to give you.” Brady urges this especially for single parents – a Sabbath may not be a full day, but there are periods of downtime during the day for you to reconnect with God.

• The danger of the rollercoaster lifestyle.

• How to distinguish between Sabbath and vacation.

• How our identity as sons and daughters of God informs and guides our schedule.

• What we can learn from the Jewish practices during the Sabbath.

• Why the acronym FOMO can lead to guilt and being overworked.

Key Scriptures: Luke 5:16; Psalm 121

Theme Song: Jesus Savior by Chris August

Highlight : What’s killing the family?

Addicted to busy?