Are you stuck in sin? You don’t need more willpower. You need to . Listen as Susie talks with author and worship leader Matt Papa about how seeing the glory of Jesus frees us from our chains.

Matt starts with a power statement – we don’t begin worship; we aim it.

“We are all worshiping something. A lot of Christians say that Jesus Christ is our ultimate love – the truth is that all of us are pretty far from that, and on a journey to that.” Matt’s goal as a musician for years was to be on a record label – once he achieved that, the high wore off. “My soul wasn’t made to be on a record label.” He reminded himself that his soul was created to know God intimately and walk with Him. “It’s a fight every day to get your eyes back on Jesus.”

What is glory? How does it impact our life?

“What actually changes us isn’t smoke or lightning or law.” Rather, what actually changes us is God’s love. “The well of satisfaction that we’re seeking in approval or comfort is totally wrapped up in the gospel of Jesus Christ – the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. If you want to see God’s glory, you can look at a sunset. But if you really want to see it, look at Jesus Christ… Only God is big enough and interesting enough to bear the weight of glory.”

Matt calls us to examine our faith and our approach to Scripture by asking a few key questions:

• What does this passage teach me about God?

• Do I treat God as a means to an end?

• Is my soul happy in God, or happy in something lesser?

Key Scriptures: 2 Corinthians 3:18; Number 21:4-9; Exodus 15:11

Theme Song: Freedom by Darrell Evans

Highlight : Worshipping a record contract

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