It’s time for a listener question.

“My 4-year-old son is very sensitive and worries quite a bit.  Do you have any suggestions for helping him overcome this?”

One thing Mom can do is to create a prayer box.
Have him help you decorate a small box with stickers or pictures he’s colored. Explain that if something is worrying him he can tell you and you’ll write down his concern. Then pray with him about the concern and have him put it into the prayer box.

You are giving him a hands-on illustration of “casting all your cares on Him for He cares for you.” (1Peter 5:7)
He will be giving his concerns to the Lord knowing God cares and can be trusted.

It’s important to examine what other people in his life are modeling for him.
If there is a difficult situation, is anyone worrying about it? Be certain to give your requests to God too — Putting your concerns into God’s hands.