Michele Pillar joined us back in March to share her story of how abortion impacted her life. We replayed the segment for you on Sunday night.

Michele has a sunny presence despite having had a difficult childhood, and having suffering great adversity later in life.

3-time Grammy Award Nominated singer Michele says her tutor was her childhood. She survived the common ravages of alcoholic parents and later God taught her how to lean on Him to function free from the damages of it.

“We are all damaged in some way. As a child, God met me under the bed where I hid to escape the madness of my home-life and now He meets me on stage, as I hang up my former beliefs on “The Clothesline” for all to see. I think my stories usher in courage for attendees to face their stories.”—Pillar.

“I’m thankful for the years I worked with The Billy Graham Assoc. and other amazing ministries but nothing has brought me the fulfillment Untangled and the live, “Clothesline” conferences have. I love being older and unafraid. God IS faithful and my desire is not to sensationalize with my stories, but to bring relief and practical tools toward God’s healing power to all who attend. It would be an honor to speak and sing at your event!”—Pillar

Overcoming Abortion and Sharing Hope