King David was a man after God’s own heart. What can we learn from him? Listen to Susie’s conversation with author and pastor Mark Buchanan about this well-known king and poet in the Old Testament.

For Mark, this book has changed his view of the shepherd boy who became the leader of Israel. “We hear about David killing bears and lions and we see God working with him, with his skills and his heart and his leadership, and no one knows that except us [the readers] and David. It takes a while before David is actually acknowledged as king, but there’s an unseen reality here.” Your calling may not be visible to others but that doesn’t lessen its value.

Mark also points to the example of King Saul, and his reaction to this younger, handsome leader. “It takes humility to… deal with your own emotions” and allow the incoming leader room and freedom to exercise his or her gifts. Saul was a character study of what happens when power is combined with deep insecurity; his attempts to kill David showed his fear at being usurped. Mark says, know who you are, walk in humility, and recognize that God’s glory matters more than your ego.

Finally, David’s faith in God shone in his confrontation with Goliath. Mark says, we can learn from this man’s life of faith and repentance. “It’s been said that David had this sense that ‘God and me make a a majority.’ David knew his skill-set. He brings everything to God – his sins, his successes and failures, everything ties back to God. When we have victory, do we use that to be self-promoting? When we fail, do we beat up on ourselves or do we use it to get back to dependence on God?”

Key Scriptures: Psalm 139; 1 Samuel 16-17; Psalm 51

Theme Song: Faithful Still by Mark Alan

Highlight : Saul vs. David

King David: His life and legacy