We serve the King of Kings – and He’s coming back soon. On this edition of Live the Promise Dr. Erwin Lutzer, senior pastor of The Moody Church, joins us to talk about the reign of Christ.

“The reason why there is disagreement about prophecy is because if you look at the different scenarios – both points of view have some Scriptural evidence, but they both can’t be right. Here’s the bottom line – whether or not is it pre-trib or post-trib, the Bible is very clear that we should live in light of Christ’s return. He is going to come back, He is going to judge us, He is going to reward us.”

What are the signs of His coming?

• Wars and rumors of wars.

• Mass apostasy (abandonment of faith).

• Earthquakes and famines, the beginning of the birth pains.

• Increased persecution.

Dr. Lutzer comments on the last point.

“When you stop to think of it, there’s going to be a day coming when anti-Christ rules, when there are chilling things that happen… Those who have studied martyrdom tell us that the martyrs who endured the best are the ones who knew the most Scriptures, they had hymns they could sing to themselves, they had been fortified by stories of others. Another thing is the knowledge that others are praying for them, and that they are not forgotten.”

Dr. Lutzer tells us what unbelievers are facing.

“Every religion will be represented. Every economic strata will be standing before the throne. The one thing that all these diverse people share is the fact that they lack the kind of righteousness by which they can approach God – the righteousness of Jesus Christ. And there they stand… once we understand God’s wrath and judgment against sin, we’ll understand the gospel. They don’t just need grace, they need a resurrection, spiritually speaking.”

Key Scriptures: Psalm 61:1-3; Hebrews 6:19; Philippians 1:21

Featured Songs: Lead Me to a Rock by Mark Alan/Emmanuel Christian Center; Rescue Has Come by Mark Alan/Emmanuel Christian Center; On Our Side by Lincoln Brewster

Highlight : How to anticipate Christ’s return

The King is coming