You can feel it in the air.

Taste it. Hear it. Smell it.

Just look into the eyes of any kid from the ages of 6-18, and you can sense the insurmountable joy that lays within them:

The end of the school year is in sight.

There’s still a month or so to go in most schools and you can’t give up the race when you’re this close to the finish. But with visions of summer dancing in their heads, how do you help keep your kids’ minds on track ?

Focus on the Family’s President, Jim Daly, has a few suggestions in his blog: Maintaining routine is a big one. Even though it’s feeling more an more like summer, keeping in the “school” routine will keep kids in the scholastic mindset. It’s also important for you as a parent to stay interested and engaged with your child’s school activities. Ask questions. Attend concerts, games, and other end-of-year events that are important to them.

Read Jim’s blog,  Daly Focus, to see some more ideas to help your child finish the year strong!