How can a holy and just God simply forgive the willful destruction of life that happens with each and every abortion regardless of how difficult it may be for the ones who choose it?
That question lies at the heart of a discussion unfolding on my social media profiles–sparked by a comment posted on a youtube video of my story as told at a 2009 prayer breakfast.
Here is the comment I want you to consider (if you are suffering from a fear of condemnation because of abortion in your past, I warn you that I do not agree with this comment and you may find it very painful to read):
“You know when I might start believing you infanticide murders are forgiven, when you start talking about the baby you decided to kill, the pain it went through to die mercilessly, you all talk about your pain, your struggles but never talk about the baby. You know what you teach other young girls and women? You teach them have an abortion, no problem, your forgiven. I got a feeling Jesus won’t buy that.”
Although youtube allows you to post with your name, this commenter chose an anonymous handle which linked to a youtube account with the same anonymous profile. Yet, I replied as did many others. He or she hasn’t been back to re-engage, and that’s okay. I’m most interested in addressing the truth or falsehood of his or her assertion. Wrestling with the holiness of God and the depth of His loving mercy and grace is at the very heart of the spiritual dilemma we face after abortion. If you are familiar with our radio program, this blog, my speaking and writing, you know that I’ve concluded that God’s desire for justice was fully and forever satisfied with the blood of Jesus on the cross. God’s holiness demands nothing less, and yes, the lives of the children deserve avenging with blood for their blood we shed. And again, the blood of Jesus is our plea.
I wish that I had said more about the child I lost in that testimony, but the purpose of that speech was to invite people into relationship with Christ, not convey the fullness of the problem of abortion and God’s heart for the children lost to it. The commenter is correct. God is grieved. What he or she somehow missed is that we as parents may also become deeply mired in grief until the love of Christ brings hope.
What then is required of me as one who is guilty of participating in shedding the child’s innocent blood? Simply that I believe in the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ. But that belief cannot be cheap or self-centered. It must be wholeheartedly centered on receiving and returning the greatest love we’ll ever know.
This is the basis of my faith, my hope, and my deep deep love for my Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ. I owe so much–more than I could ever repay. Yet he paid it all.
And more–he has restored to me the child abortion destroyed.
Amazing grace! It’s a scandal of epic proportions if I don’t share that good news with others, yes even others in the church who are offended by my Savior’s scandalous love for me.
I want to know your thoughts on this. Leave a comment here or on the youtube page, and listen in to our podcast to hear our guest’s comments on it, too.
Highlight – God’s scandalous love for us
Michelle Borquez is a woman whose energy and passion to see other women live free through faith in Jesus Christ has found expression through broadcasting, speaking, publishing and more. Yet she has also experienced sorrow, brokenness and loss.
Abortion is a dark secret for many women, yet millions have had one and still suffer the effects from Post Abortion Stress. In her book Abortion to Mercy, Thornton tells her own story of being date-raped and the poor choice she made to terminate her pregnancy. She reminds readers that Christ died for all sin, not just some, and provides steps to freedom for those struggling to get past a life locked in the shame and guilt of past choices.
From Michelle’s bio:
Michelle Borquez is the creator of the Freedom Series, a series for women that focuses on healing and wholeness after life’s difficulties. She is also the spokesperson for Beth Moore’s national TV special, “Living Well,” and for the GLO Bible. Michelle Borquez knows the challenges Christian women face. Her books include God Crazy, Overcoming the Seven Deadly Emotions, and Live, Laugh, Love Again. Now she and her co-authors have developed “The Freedom Series,” a twelve mini-book series that equips women to move forward after the traumas of life. Michelle has hosted and been a featured guest on hundreds of television and radio programs, including; NBC’s Midday Connection, The 700 Club, Life Today, Positively Texas, and TBN.