Does it matter if we live disorganized lives?

TV personality and author Jodie Watson joins us to offer strategies and organization principles from a Christian perspective. Jodie’s latest book is Purge with Passion. We talk about what that looks like and how we maintain it day by day. Meet the founder and president of Supreme Organization and organizing expert from TLC’s Real Simple, Real Life, and start the New Year with less clutter and more confidence.

Does God care about our clutter? Jodie says, absolutely! God is the author of order, not chaos. Here are a few things to remember when de-cluttering your life.

Start small. Don’t try to overhaul your life and home in one day – God works through a process, and we should too! Start by keeping your keys in the same place every day.

  • Examine your habits. Do you have a routine, or are you typically scattered? Do you start projects and don’t finish them?
  • When you finally sit down to clear a space, follow these steps:
  • Empty the area or bin entirely
  • Take out the items that belong elsewhere, and put them where they belong
  • Group the remaining items, and sort through them

Highlight – De-clutter


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