Single parents and blended families are becoming the norm, and moving from ‘single’ to ‘blended’ is not without its challenges. Ron Deal has been giving practical, biblical, encouraging advice to single parents for many years as founder of Smart Stepfamilies. He joins us to take on the topic of Dating and the Single Parent and how blending families blend.

Ron cautions single parents not to lose heart. Many children can be raised by a single parent and thrive. “Your kids can be okay. Don’t feel like you have to get married for them to be okay.” That said, here are a few things Ron emphasizes when it comes to dating after a divorce or the death of a spouse:

Don’t rush your kids into the ‘new normal’ of this new person being in their lives.

Listen as Neil and Ron discuss:

  • How to know if it’s the right time to explore dating after a divorce
  • How to talk about remarriage with your children
  • The ‘blended family’ vs. the ‘crockpot family’
  • How to balance love for your new spouse with love for your children – don’t feel you have to choose between them

Moving from singleness to re-marriage can be a tough transition – Ron points out that there will always be blind spots in your search for a spouse, so involve your children, and let other godly couples speak into your relationship as you look for God’s next step in your life.

Highlight – Dating & blended families

Dating & blended families