It was winter, 2011, and we had an intense snowstorm. At the time, we only had one “running” vehicle, and it was a stretch to even call it that. I dropped Luke off at work, and wasn’t even a mile away when the car started to overheat again. We thought we had finally fixed it, but the raising temperature gauge was saying otherwise. I made it to a local Macy’s just before it red-lined. I shut of the engine and sighed in relief. Nothing blew up or “popped” in the engine. I should be ok.

As I stomped through about a foot of snow to the front door of Macy’s, my thoughts started racing. Luke is stuck at work with no way to get to me. I pulled on Macy’s front door. Locked. It’s still too early. What are we going to do? How am I going to get home? Will Luke be able to fix it tonight? How will we be able to get to the part store? Will we be able to get to work tomorrow? Are we going to lose our jobs? I started to panic.

When I got back in the car, I pulled my hat down a little further and zipped my coat up a little higher. The snow had stopped, but it was freezing outside. I wasn’t worried I’d freeze to death, but I was hoping the stores would start to open soon anyway. Who do I call? What now? We were still new to Colorado, and had very few connections. Who’s going to be free to help me on a weekday morning? After talking with Luke on the phone, I called our friend Matt. I frantically described to him what happened, and where I was stranded, and he told me to hang tight. He was on his way.

The store opened, and I hung out in the bathroom for a while (did you know they have couches in there?!). My emotions were all over the place, and I did my best to hold my tears back so clerks wouldn’t be alarmed. I really didn’t feel like explaining my situation to strangers right then. By the time Matt got to me, I was warmed up and ready to try getting the sucker home. I was full of anxiety as he followed me in his truck, but we made it just before it overheated again. Before he took me to my work, he stopped and bought me Starbucks, and encouraged me in my faith. Him and his wife, Kim, have been like mentors to us, and I can’t thank God enough that he was there for me.

By the end of the day I found a ride home from work, and our incredible friends Trevor and Callie were going to stop by Luke’s work and drop off one of their cars for us to borrow as long as we needed. We were both going to make it home. We weren’t going to lose our jobs. We had a way to get parts. One way or another, everything from here on out was going to be fine. God had provided for us in every way.

And so, as I prep myself for another work day, I am dwelling on how faithful God is. We honestly do not know what’s going to happen today, but as long as we look to him for provision, he’s got our backs. So take today step by step, moment by moment. You’re covered and looked out for.

Image: Flickr