How do you react to the issues raised by sexuality in our culture today?
We can choose to follow the world’s wisdom, and base our thoughts on personal opinion and our limited experience, or we can look to God’s Word to guide and direct us.
Too often standing on the truth of Scripture has been perceived as a judgmental, unloving, bigoted approach. This is so whether the issue is sexual activity before marriage, abortion or, yes, same-sex activity.
Dee Barnes has immersed herself in these vital questions for almost two decades. Her work began in her own heart as she processed a painful past rooted in suffering abuse. As her healing and recovery has progressed, she has dedicated herself to sharing what she’s learned in order to help others. She joined us this week to shed light on what can be a confusing and frustrating topic. She’ll share her hope.
Highlight – Can people really change? Overcoming sexual sin
Can people really change? Overcoming sexual sin
From Dee’s bio:
Dee Barnes has been ministering to the Body of Christ in the areas of sexuality and family for over 17 years. Dee has been the coordinator for the healing discipleship program Living Waters by Desert Stream Ministries. She served on the Board of Directors of Resurrection Life Ministries in Atlanta, GA. In 2009, Dee became the founder and Director of His Wonderful Works, Inc. (HWW). HWW is a ministry to Christians seeking understanding, teaching and counsel concerning family, relationships and sexuality. Dee’s testimony and teaching have encouraged many congregations in the Truth of God’s transforming power. Her transparency opens the door for many to be set free from the shame that binds them and her teaching brings understanding to many issues including God’s plan for family, healthy relationships, sexual sin, homosexuality, sexual abuse and pornography addiction. Dee is also a successful business owner who lives in Covington, GA with her husband Rodney and their three children, Ian, Joel and Olivia. Her favorite hobby is Mountain Biking.
Even if you have not personally struggled with abuse, sexual sin, or same-sex attraction, we are all called to speak truth; everyone is impacted whether directly or indirectly by the changing values surrounding these issues in our world today.