A young woman recently went online to announce her plans to abort her “Little Thing.” As her open letter posted to reddit went viral, she is being lauded for her “brave” expression of love towards her child.

No schoolyard bully was ever granted such willing bystanders as abortionists have in pro-choice feminists.

But abortion isn’t brave.


Abortion makes many women cowards. Simply put, a coward puts herself before others as she protects herself at their expense. The reddit writer acknowledges that she is taking a life, yet justifies that decision with words about not being ready to parent, and some dangerously inept and corrupt theology about reincarnation. Even sadder than the tragic confusion of the pregnant woman are the people online blessing her decision, and asking God to bless her for it.

Cowardice was at the heart of my abortion choice. I feared for my future and my reputation. Not everyone is like me. Many women bravely faced down parents or partners who forced abortion on them. Even if they didn’t prevail in protecting their unborn child, they did their best. They were heroically brave–putting the life of another before their own. But research supports the fact that by a three-fourths majority women choose abortion for self-centered economic reasons: not wanting to disrupt education or jobs, or fearing an inability to afford raising a child. What women need in such circumstances is not abortion, but social support. Abortionists traffic in our fears.

Please understand, I don’t condemn a coward who is open to correction.Through honest self-examination and submitting to God, our hearts can change. Speaking the truth about abortion was the beginning of my being brave. I became willing to risk my (false) reputation. I’d reached the point where as Cec Murphey put it, “I would rather be disliked for who I am than admired for who I am not.”

And the truth is this: yes, I lacked support, but I was the last line of defense for my child who had been sentenced to death. I chose my own life instead. In a moment like that, God is under no obligation to bless my choice. Instead, God warned that there are times we bring curses on ourselves with our choices.

Today I am forgiven and restored. “By God’s grace I am what I am.” And I’m not who I was. There is hope for everyone. But we presume on God’s mercy when we ask him to forgive us before we sin. And we lead others astray when we invoke God’s blessing on something He cannot condone. Is God under an obligation to grant a request that goes against his own heart?

This is what we talked with Carla Stream about. It is always bracingly disarming to meet someone who is equally repentant over wrongdoing while remaining fiercely strong concerning her right to express her story on her own terms. That’s what happens when we become brave in faith.

Carla Stream is such a woman.

She shared her story of child loss due to both abortion and miscarriage, and how she is overcoming that grief. Carla is a pro-life speaker, blogger and former blog moderator. The wild west world of blogging discourse, cloaked in anonymity and often soaked in oppositional vitriol, benefited greatly from Carla’s faith and steady hand.

Highlight- On abortion and being brave

On abortion and being brave

From Carla’s bio:

Carla Stream is a pro-life speaker who tells the story of her abortion experience and forgiveness in Christ. She refutes the lies of the abortion industry with the truth of her experience and leads others to the forgiveness she has found. God has given her this platform for her good and His Glory. The Lord continues to redeem her pain; there are 3 baby girls (that she knows of) that are alive today because she told her story. Carla shares her experience so that others know there isn’t ANYONE that is beyond the saving grace of Jesus. No matter what someone has done God can and will rescue, restore and redeem. There is joy in sharing with others what she has learned!

Carla served as moderator for Jill Stanek’s pro-life blog for six years and she currently represents Operation Outcry Wisconsin and writes her own blog at Four by 40.