In the morning, while it was still very dark, Jesus got up and went out to a deserted place, and there he prayed. (Mark 1:35)

Henri Nouwen said, “It makes no sense to preach the Gospel, when I have allowed no time for my own conversation.”

I have read time and time again about the importance of eating breakfast. Many of us seem satisfied with a cup of coffee and a doughnut, but experts tout the value of a sound meal to start our bodies off right for the day.  I admit that when I sit down for a nice bowl of oatmeal and fruit, I am less agitated with problems at work or in dealing with people. I have more energy, and I’m able to have a nutritious lunch as well, for I am not famished by noon.  Still, sometimes  I’m just too rushed, and end up settling for something unhealthy, or nothing at all… and I pay the price.

During his ministry on earth, Jesus was in constant contact with the Father through prayer.  Sometimes he even had to escape the masses of people who wanted to be in his presence.  He needed to be in relationship with his Father, for it was through this communication that he received strength and the authority in which to do his earthly ministry.  If even Jesus needed time away for prayer, how much more important is it for me?  I am refueled by my time with God, just like my physical body is refueled with a good breakfast. I am better equipped to face the challenges of the day to come if I get up early and have some time with my Father in Heaven.  Make time alone with God each morning.

Lord, please help me remember that meeting with you each morning is the best way to start my day. Psalm 5:3 says “In the morning, LORD, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly.” Help me to remember the importance of you hearing my voice, and me knowing that I will hear yours. Your word sustains me throughout the day.