Susie welcomes Mike Pehrson from HisClay Ministries to the studio.
They talk about the importance of seeing ourselves from God’s perspective and understanding that we don’t have to be perfect. Cracks, insecurities and brokenness–those don’t define us. Feeling inadequate doesn’t define us and doesn’t have to stop us from being used for God’s work.
Mike reminds us that God is the one doing the amazing work through us–it’s not in our hands.
“Through all of our cracks and our imperfections, God does a perfect work through us and that’s what’s so cool.”
We can’t take the credit for what we do. All of our life and all of our accomplishments are in and from our Lord.
Mike shares his faith story, starting with growing up Catholic. He was very involved in the church, was an alter boy and really felt like he understood who God was. He carried that understanding into college although he attended church less during that time. It wasn’t until he was married that he began to look for more in life.
Mike explains that he had struggles finding purpose in life in his early adult years. A friend helped him understand the difference between what it is to know about religion and what it is to know about relationship.
This relationship with life brought a huge change in Mike’s life and helped him find purpose.
“I really felt the Holy Spirit move, I really felt empowered, I really felt excited and enthused as God started to reveal to me new things I had never understood and never come to understand in life. And, slowly but surely, that started to impact my family and people around me.”
Mike shares about his ministry, God’s inspiration in his life and more in his chat with Susie.
Key Scriptures: Acts 4:13