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The surprising secrets of happy marriages

You’ve seen them – they’re the couples who seem relaxed, at ease, and in sync, even in the midst of conflict. They may not agree on everything, they may have conflict, but at the end of the day they’re united and happy. What’s their secret? Author and social researcher Shaunti Feldhahn explores…

Susie Larson


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Faith Radio


Handling disappointment

The marriage vows include the phrase “to love, honor and cherish…” but what does cherish actually mean? Listen as Dr. Greg Smalley returns to unpack this oft-quoted but sometimes misunderstood word. Webster’s dictionary defines cherish as “to hold dear; to keep or cultivate with care or affection;…

Dr. Linda Mintle


Are you mindstuck and need to change?

The marriage vows include the phrase “to love, honor and cherish…” but what does cherish actually mean? Listen as Dr. Greg Smalley returns to unpack this oft-quoted but sometimes misunderstood word. Webster’s dictionary defines cherish as “to hold dear; to keep or cultivate with care or affection;…

Dr. Linda Mintle


Dispelling therapy myths

The marriage vows include the phrase “to love, honor and cherish…” but what does cherish actually mean? Listen as Dr. Greg Smalley returns to unpack this oft-quoted but sometimes misunderstood word. Webster’s dictionary defines cherish as “to hold dear; to keep or cultivate with care or affection;…

Dr. Linda Mintle



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