Her pastor’s question couldn’t have shocked her more. Natasha Owens was battling depression and coming to grips with the loss of her dad to a tragic accident. Now, she was being asked to become her church’s worship leader.

After trying to put her pastor off for an extended period, she finally said yes. And that yes became the beginning of a journey of healing that’s led her to an amazing ministry in music. She reflects on what she’d say to someone in a similar position today. Someone who’s feeling the nudge from God to do something, but just can’t quite believe God has the right person or the right time.

“We want to rationalize it. We want to put it in a different compartment, and we want to have it in the perfect timing and have complete control over it. But I have found – at least in my recovery – that I have no control over it at all! And I’m kind of a control freak, and so that’s very scary to me.”

“If there’s something you feel like He’s calling you to do, just jump out by faith and do it. Because He will equip you along the way. He will guide you along the way, and He will never give you the the big picture. Because we would be so overwhelmed at what He really wants us to do. He gives you little pieces along the way to let you know you’re going the right direction. For guidance.”

So what might seem like bad timing to us, might be – in fact – perfect timing.

Just jump out there! Because a lot of times when He calls us to do something, and it seems like the worst time possible, it’s exactly what we need. I realize now that me standing on that platform and ministering to other people in my situation, He healed me in the process. Every note that came out of my mouth on that stage I got more and more healing. If He’s calling you to do something in the hardest time of your life, it’s because He needs to heal you and that’s the way He does it.”

Natasha Owens is the talented recording artist & songwriter behind the award winning album We Will Rise. Her latest single is called “New Eyes”.

On the Road with Natasha Owens