Tears slipped from my eyes as I turned from side to side to study my reflection in the mirror after jumping out of the shower that morning. My head bowed low in shame, I couldn’t even bring myself to look up and give myself the normal pep talk. “You’ve had three kids. You should be thankful that you are healthy. It’s what’s on the inside that counts…..” Most times it worked. Gulp back the tears, slip into a baggy shirt (black of course), pull on my favorite pair of jeans (yes, still maternity), and time to move on with the day. After all, I have a baby that needs to nurse and a toddler and preschooler that will only stay occupied with cartoons for so long. No time for hair and makeup. It’s a gift that I even had a few minutes to shower. And anyways…what’s the point? It wouldn’t help anyway. Lies had crept into my heart and taken my mind captive so that by the time I left the mirror, my weary soul had chosen to accept the root of these lies, “You’re not enough.”

Have you ever found yourself in a similar “Mirror Moment”? A place where you are forced to take a good look at yourself and perhaps you’re ashamed of what you find? It doesn’t have to be appearance. It could be a moment in your career, or perhaps your parenting, maybe even a big life decision. Whatever the case may be, there you stand…exposed…and all of a sudden, hidden fears, doubts, and insecurities rise up to threaten and steal your very identity. Your soul. Truth. After the barrage of lies, all that is left is a quiet whisper in your soul, ”You’re not enough.”

You’re not enough. A frightening blow that will bring you to your knees. Now, imagine Jesus kneeling in front of you. He cups your chin with a scarred hand and gently raises your face to His while looking at you with tender love. “Dear one,” He whispers as He grasps your hand with his other scarred hand, “You are enough. In fact, you are more than enough. I knew you by name before my Father spoke this world into existence. I loved you even before my Father breathed life into you. I have covered over all your sin, your shame, and your imperfection with my perfect love. I have rescued you and I have set you free. I chose you before time, I choose you now, I will always choose you…because you are everything to me.”

Wow. A humbling and beautiful picture of truth and grace. Romans 8:1 says, “There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” Do you know what this means? It means that we have freedom in Christ and His perfect love for us. Our opinion of ourselves doesn’t matter and neither does anyone else’s for that matter. God, in His infinite love for us, sent His one and only Son to ransom us, to rescue us, to set us free from our sin and shame. David understood God’s perfect love and expressed so in Psalm 34:4-5: “I sought the Lord, and He answered me; He delivered me from all my fears. Those who look to Him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame.”

In order to be set free, we must recognize our need for deliverance and just as David did, we need to seek the Lord and cry out to Him! He has power over sin, death, and our enemy. 1 Peter 5:8 says, “Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.” When we stand in front of the mirror and allow fear to creep into our hearts, we allow the devil access to our soul and he will not hesitate to bind us with lies and hold us captive. If, however, we invite God into our lives on a day to day basis, or from Mirror Moment to Mirror Moment, He will deliver us from our fears & insecurities. When we look to Him and truly believe our worth and value as a child of the King and embrace the freedom that we have through His Son, Jesus Christ, we will radiate with His love.

After leaving the mirror that morning, I whispered a prayer for grace and was greeted with a warm hug from my 4-year-old son and these words, “Mommy, I love your long hair. You are the most beautiful Mommy ever and I love you so much!” There it was. Truth spoke into the very depths of my soul and deliverance from the lies that had just moments before threatened to entangle me. God heard my cry and He delivered me. At that moment, I was beaming and with my face lifted high to Heaven, I thanked God for His incredible grace and perfect love.

Have you had a Mirror Moment recently? Did you cry out to the Lord for deliverance from your fears? Now is the time. Humble yourself, call out to God, and He will set you free. Instead of shame, you will radiate humble confidence. Instead of fear, you will find boldness. Instead of judgment, you will find love and mercy and grace. Seek out the Lord and He will answer. He will deliver you!