When it comes to prayer, we tend to think a lot about what to say, but Pastor Adam Weber wonders whether we spend as much time on the most important part of communicating with God – listening.

We have more to do and more places to be than ever before. We also have more things than ever to distract us from hearing God’s voice. Adam shares some tips on how to be a better listener.

“Just basic things. Giving God a chance to speak. First, I’d say just invite Him. ‘Lord – is there something that you want me to do today? Something that you want me to see today?'”

“So once we’ve invited Him, then it’s as simple as turning off the T.V.. As simple as, when it gets warm enough to roll down the windows in your car, rolling down the windows and just saying, ‘God I’m all yours, and I want to hear from you.'”

Adam shares about the times and places when listening comes easiest for him.

“Oftentimes, for myself, when I most clearly am able to hear God’s voice are on walks at night. And I’ll be wrestling with something, and I’ll tell God specifically what I’m wrestling with. And then the rest of the time I’m walking, and I just listen. ‘Lord, would You just help me to sense You?'”

“And really, when it comes to listening, I think the best time with God is in His Word, the Bible. Really getting in there and knowing what God’s voice sounds like. That’s the foundation, getting in the word. When we really have God’s word in our lives and overflowing from our heart, those moments of just being still and inviting God to speak – time and time again, He speaks so clearly.”

Adam Weber is the founder and leader pastor of Embrace Church – a multi site congregation in South Dakota & Minnesota continually recognized as one of America’s fastest growing churches. His book on prayer, , has just been re-released in softcover with a brand new chapter on listening to God.

On the Road with Adam Weber