We all may have a different approach to the issue of abortion; while some are actively involved in eradicating this cultural epidemic, others choose a more passive approach. What is our opportunity and responsibility as followers of Christ to bring an end to abortion?

Brian Fisher, founder of Human Coalition, believes that a change in how we think about abortion is necessary.

“Although our culture claims that abortion is a woman’s issue – a woman’s right – abortion is actually an issue for all of us, as it involves the killing of human beings. In America, we kill roughly one-million children a year through abortion, which makes it the leading cause of death in the country. The affect on both men and women is staggering.”

“Women suffer emotional, physical problems, and relationship problems. Men suffer as well, and can be deeply wounded because of abortions taking place in their past. Yet our culture tends to champion abortion as purely a women’s issue. This needs to change. Some of that is just becoming educated on how detrimental abortion is to our culture.”

Brian believes that the solution to fear and ignorance – is courage and education. The vast majority of people, pastors, and priests do not realize how abortion is decimating their communities and their congregations. Certainly the state is fearful of taking up this greatest genocide because of political repercussions. So in both cases, those of us who are pro-life believers have the opportunity to both inspire and educate people on how diabolical and destructive abortion is. There needs to be a commitment to go through that process.

“In my world, it was a slow process. I have been pro-life theologically my whole life and  I started volunteering for a pregnancy center 20 years ago. But it wasn’t until I was educated and began to understand the horrors of abortion that my heart followed what my head knew and I became engaged. We need to confront the horrid facts about what abortion is, and once we do that our heart gets engaged and our actions follow our heart.”

The mission of Human Coalition is to transform our culture of death into a culture of life—to end abortion in America. They reach out to women and men who are seeking help.

“In the culture, there are about 1.85 million internet searches in the United States each month for abortion terms. So we find women who are searching for abortion or abortion-related services and we reach out to them and offer them an opportunity to speak with us.  We work with 33 pregnancy centers and clinics across the country. Their job is to provide counseling and long-term care to these women so that they have every opportunity to choose life for their child and then we also step in to care for their family.

Brian Fisher is co-founder of Human Coalition, a champion of life, committed to an audacious mission: to transform our culture of death into a culture of life—to end abortion in America. Brian is a Certified Financial Planner® and the author of  and numerous articles. To learn more about the Human Coalition and what is being done to end abortion, visit Human Coalition.

Working together to end Abortion